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Prevent Boiler Breakdown with our Boiler Maintenance Tips.


We all dread a boiler breakdown, especially at the beginning of winter. But if you look after your boiler you’ll increase its efficiency and lifetime. Here are some tips to help you keep your boiler in good condition.

Boiler Breakdown Loughton

Lag your pipes Prevention is better than cure, so the best time for pipe lagging is before the cold weather sets in. Shops sell ready-made lagging that slips over your pipes in minutes and is a low cost.

What is pipe lagging? Buy here

Switch the boiler off and the savings on Once the weather has warmed up you can turn your boiler off. If you have a combi boiler you simply turn it to hot water only. To prevent problems in the winter it’s a good idea to switch your boiler on once a month for 10-20 minutes during the summer. Keep the pressure up Boilers do not run well on low pressure and this can damage the boiler. The right pressure is between 1 and 1.5 bar. This can be checked by looking at the pressure gauge on the front of the boiler. How do I top up my boiler? Read more here. A power flush does a power of good As time goes by sludge can build up in your system which will effect its efficiency. Having your central heating system deep cleaned by a professional power flush machine will clear all debris and muck in pipework and radiators so you will get the maximum heat at a lower cost. It also extends the life of your boiler. What is a power flush? Read more here.

At your service Boilers, like people, like to be looked after. Give yours a regular service and in return it last longer and work more efficiently, saving you money and worry. It’s vital that you always use a Gas Safe Registered Engineer who will not only check the basic safety of your boiler but will also carry out performance tests and repair anything that needs fixing. Book your service here. If you would like to know more or need help with any of the above, please get in touch as we are always happy to help.

Call us: 020 8111 1230


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